昔日,梁启超根据明末思想家顾炎武的一段话,概括出来:「国家兴亡,匹夫有责」。台湾忠信高级工商学校高震东校长更有震撼国人演说「国家兴亡,我的责任」。是故,面对时下全球性的疫情,如何做到「未病先防 ,已病防变,已变防渐」,应该是每位国人的责任……
1. 病毐(Virus)等微生物是大自然的一份子,它们比人类早存在于地球,它们虽然微小(10~200nm不等),生命力很脆弱而不能独立生存,但数量庞大,且增殖快速,并有随机应变重组(reassortment) 突变(mutation)的本能,人类若不尊重大自然,忽视万物共生之道;加上不自爱自强,可能永远玩不过它们。(详见拙文「别让流感病毒“爱”上您」www.cnmd.info/copy-of-n6-11)
2. 病毒之所以让人致病,大多数是人的自愈力(Medicatrix)孱弱及惶恐所致,诚如中医所言「正气先衰,而后邪客之」,「邪毒盛,正气衰」。
3. 从以上二者可看出两点关键:
(1) 若医学只侧重在病毒(外因)的研究、对抗等,而忽略提升、捍卫自身与生俱来的自愈力(内因),并在「抗疫」过程中,常使用的激素(cortcosteroids)、抗病毒药(Ribavirin、 Remdesivi ……)等等,其所产生的毒副作用,又大幅损伤了人体自愈力,必然在「抗疫」的〝战役〞中,伤亡惨重、代价巨大而不堪负荷,后患无穷。
(2) 正如中医所言「外因必须通过内因起作用」,「正气存内,邪不可干」。也就是说, 诚如今天中国国力、军事力量都强大起来了,试问还有哪个国家敢轻易侵入中国?就算来犯,也「固若金汤」,何患之有。然而,「三高」(高血压、高血脂、高血糖」患者或惶恐慌乱者,往往就是被感染流感病毒的基础内因。以中医而言:也就是「湿」(寒湿、湿热、痰湿)和「瘀」(血浊),而我们善用了「苏生123方」有效无伤地奠定了不被病毒「爱」上的基础,做到「正气存内,邪不可干」。
4. 怎么办:
(1) 疫情一天不过去,一天都须做好隔离等防疫措施有其必要。
(2) 真正了解邪(病毒)不胜正(自愈力)的内涵,自然可淡定不惶恐。进而饮食作息正常,自然奠定「未病先防」的底气。
(3) 若不慎有发热等症状出现,宜先清空肠道(肺与大肠相表里之故),再大量饮用柠檬温水,晒太阳接受最自然的热能量疗法,或有氧运动出点汗,或体质寒湿者,喝灵芝热姜汤, 有「三高」者,早餐以「123方」(银耳10g枸杞子20g茯苓30g麦冬等随症加减)渗湿益肾、活血化瘀、养阴生津、润肺清热;纯素食等等,做到「已病防变」。
(4) 若被确诊是新型病毒(2019-nCoV)感染,宜以中医辨证治疗为主,西医诊疗为辅。或使用够量的「灵芝加蜂胶」,必然可「已变防渐」而大病化小,小病化了,而且鲜少后遗症。
(5) 相信本次疫情的洗礼,会使更多国人认识中医和自然医学,了解何为「三分治,七分养」「生命之树」的内涵(图一)。
5. 或许本次疫情是大自然再次警示全人类必须真正懂得尊重自然、了解自然、善用自然、保护自然。并掲示医道改革迫在眉捷:依古不泥古,研今不执今;人文为本,科技为用。(详见「中华自然医学宣言与公报」https://aanmc.info/who-we-are/comunique/)
6. 本次疫情主要是以寒湿为基础,当气候入夏,转暖转热时,应该就是本次疫情真正的「拐点」。但不表示该病毒消声匿迹……。希望人类熬过了痛苦,获得了教训和经验,更懂得万物共生的自然之道,则可趋吉避凶,长治久安。
后学 何永庆 谨识
2020年3月1日 于台北无为斋
The view of Chinese natural medicine on the current epidemic situation
In the past, Liang Chi chao, based on a passage from Gu Yanwu, a thinker in the late Ming dynasty, concluded: “the rise and fall of a country is the responsibility of individuals.” President gao zhendong of Taiwan zhongxin high school of commerce and industry delivered an even more shocking speech, “Rise and fall of the nation, that is my responsibility “. Therefore, in the face of the current epidemic, how to prevent the occurrence of disease, should be everyone’s responsibility.
- Virus and microorganisms are a part of nature; they exist on the earth earlier than humans. However, they are small (10 ~ 200 nm), and life is very fragile that they can’t live independently. Still, their quantity is very large, can rapid proliferation. They have the instinct to improvise and mutation; if humans don’t respect nature, ignoring the symbiotic relationship in the world and do not take care of their body and mind, humans may never overcome them, though. (see my article “don’t let the flu virus love you” for details.)
- The reason why viruses make people sick is mainly due to the weakness of people’s Medicatrix and their fear. Just as Chinese medicine says, “healthy qi declines first, and then evil will occupy it”.
- From the above point of view, two key points can be drawn:
- if medicine only focuses on the study of viruses and how to fight against them (external causes), but ignores how to improve the innate self-healing ability (internal causes). If we often use corticosteroids, Ribavirin, Remdesivi, and so on, the toxic side effect significantly damaged the body’s self-healing power, and it is inevitable that in the “battle against the epidemic,” human beings will suffer heavy casualties and huge costs.
- As traditional Chinese medicine says, “external causes must act through internal causes”, “healthy qi exists in the internal, and evil cannot interfere”. That is to say, as China’s economy and military power become stronger today, which other countries dare to invade China easily? Even if there is an invasion, it is still unbreakable.
However, “three high” (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia) patients or panic people often have the underlying cause of influenza virus infection. In terms of Chinese medicine: that is, “wet” (cold and wet, hot and humid, phlegm and wet) and “blood stasis” (blood turbidity). Therefore, we make good use of “su sheng 123 prescription” to effectively build the foundation of not being “loved” by the virus. Achieve the goal: “With healthy qi inside, evil can not interfere.”
- What can we do:
(1) The epidemic prevention measures such as isolation has its necessary until the end of it.
(2) To understand the concept that evil (virus) can not be stronger than positive (self-healing), then we can calm down without fear. Eat and rest well. Naturally, we establish the foundation of “prevention before the disease.”
(3) if you have a fever or other symptoms occur, it is advisable to empty the intestines (because the lung and large intestine interact). Drink plenty of warm lemon water, bask in the sun to receive the most natural heat energy therapy, or do aerobic exercise to sweat. Constitution cold and wet person, drink Ganoderma heat ginger soup, The “three high” person, can have breakfast with “123 square” (tremella 10g cotonyl-cizi 20g poria cocorea 30g ophiopogonis); Or go completely vegetarian. All of these methods can prevent the spread of disease.
(4) If it is diagnosed as a new virus (2019-ncov) infection, it should be mainly treated by TCM syndrome differentiation, supplemented by western medicine diagnosis and treatment. Use enough of “Ganoderma lucidum plus propolis,” then we must prevent the disease from deteriorating and gradually recover. And it is unlikely to have sequelae.
(5) I believe in the baptism of the outbreak, it can make more people know more about traditional Chinese medicine and natural medicine, to understand the connotation of the “Thirty percent treatment. Seventy percent regimen.” and the “tree of life” (figure 1).
- Perhaps this epidemic is another reminder from nature that humankind must truly respect, understand, make good use of, and protect nature. And to show that medical reform could not be delayed: We study past and present experiences, but should not be limited by them; Take humanities as the basis, science, and technology as the use. (see “Chinese declaration and bulletin of natural medicine” for details. https://aanmc.info/who-we-are/comunique/)
- This epidemic is mainly based on cold and humidity. When the climate turns warm and hot in summer, it should be the real “turning point” of the epidemic. But that doesn’t mean the virus is gone… I hope that after suffering and learning lessons and experiences, people will know more about the natural way of coexistence of all in the world, and will be able to seek good fortune and avoid adversity and enjoy long-term peace and life stability.
God bless China! God bless all!
The above views are all for your consideration and advice.
All kinds of medicines and therapies have their own positioning and value, and should be safely placed (such as the tree of life):
Note: Since ancient times, the country has governed by excellent doctors.
In short: the rule of governance is the same.
(1) Western medicine is similar to the law of shackling in society.
(2) Traditional Chinese medicine is similar to the law of the public and part of the education.
(3) Natural medicine is similar to the education of society.
Therefore, the governance of social education is the main, and civil law is second; the criminal law is the last resort; Each of the three has a position, not to be misplaced! However, education can cover the entire life process. The concept of treating a disease and managing a society is no different.
作者:何永慶 社長
- 自然醫學文摘雜誌社 發行人/社長
自然療法雜誌社 社長(1999~2003)
中國中醫藥學會李時珍學術委員會 委員 (2001~2005)
中華自然醫學教育學會 秘書長(2006~2014)
臺北小區醫界聯盟 理事(2006)
香港體內環保健康促進學會 會長(2012~2017)
馬來西亞自然科學研究院 副院長(2013~迄今)
大英聯邦國際學士院亞太健康醫學研究所 講師(2013)
臺灣 中華人類自救協會 理事長(2014~迄今)
中華亞健康世界總會指導委員會 委員(2021)
ISBN : 978-986-806-78-8-2
《清胃腸 淨肝膽 保健康》(2014.6)
ISBN : 978-986-6664-80-9